While many of us think of essential oils for aromatherapy purposes, did you realize that you can actually consume some essential oils? In fact, in some countries, essential oils are often used in medicinal preparations and tinctures for maintaining good health or fighting off illnesses. However, not all essential oils are safe for consumption, so be sure to review the below information carefully, and consult with a naturopath experienced in the use of essential oils before consuming.
The delicious and simple recipe below is safe to consume once or twice per week, and may help to keep viruses and bacteria at bay - plus it is warming, relaxing, and invigorating, which makes it the perfect thing to sip on a chilly fall or winter afternoon!
However, keep in mind that the production methods and quality may vary depending on the source of your essential oils, so make sure that you check the label recommendations and only consume food grade essential oils. Get your essential oils from a reputable company, and be sure they are 100% pure and organic if you plan on consuming them. Consult a holistic health care practitioner with experience with essential oils for guidance and recommendations for safe internal use.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with the recipe!
Immune-Boosting Peppermint Lemon Tea Recipe
(Makes 1 serving.)
- 1-1.5 cups of distilled or filtered water
- 2-3 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered wildflower honey
- 2 drops of organic, food grade, 100% pure Peppermint essential oil
- ¼ frozen lemon grated
- freshly squeezed juice from ½ a lemon
- Bring distilled water to a boil.
- In a ceramic mug, place honey, essential oil, grated frozen lemon, and lemon juice.
- Add the hot water to the ingredients in mug and stir. Cover with a small plate for 3-5 minutes.
- Before sipping, inhale the aroma and reap its benefits first via your nose.
- Then slowly start to drink the tea and cover your body with a warm blanket and relax on a couch or bed. Feel the warmth and light tingle envelope your throat, sinuses, chest, lungs, and body. Take a nap afterwards if you are able to.
Enjoy this warming, relaxing tea once or twice per week during cold and flu season for enhanced resistance to germs and bacteria.
Recipe Source: Organic Lifestyle Magazine