While it's easy to see signs of the climate becoming more unstable and unpredictable over the past few decades, these past few years it has been especially obvious. (I like to say, if you garden, you can't not believe in climate change!) From the extremes in temperatures over the past few years, to the incredible variation in precipitation and severe weather events across the country, it's clear that things are trending in a more extreme direction.
This year so far in Ohio, we have been treated to an extra warm and early spring, ridiculous amounts of rain (we're only halfway through June and have already had nearly 7" this month, on top of the 4" we got the last week of May), and now, extremely unseasonal heat for two weeks in a row, with temperatures nearing 100 degrees for multiple days in a row (yes, in the first half of June!).
Needless to say, this is all extremely confusing and challenging to both the garden and the livestock.