Personally, I seem to have grown more sensitive to mosquito bites as I have gotten older, although I suspect it is a particular type of mosquito that leaves the worst bites. The bad ones cause huge red welts that last for an entire week of itching and burning misery. Due to my sensitivity, I admit I have resorted to DEET products a few times over the past few years (notably on our visit to Minnesota last summer, where the mosquito is - only half-jokingly - referred to as "the state bird").
However, I am always on the lookout for natural products with safer ingredients that actually work. The recipe below is easy to make with just a few simple and natural ingredients, and you can customize it to your preferences, or experiment to find out which oils are most effective. I love the smell of citronella, but there are a number of other essential oils which have bug-repelling properties, which are listed below.