And who wants to slave over a hot stove when it's 90+ degrees outside?
This time of year, I always look for really quick and/or cold meals that don't require heating up the house. I found this recipe recently, and it sounds perfect for a hot summer lunch or dinner! Plus, if you're anything like me, you're always looking for ways to use up the bounty of summer veggies...
This dish uses fresh zucchini (and/or cucumbers) and basil, and it looks easy and refreshing. (I haven't made this just yet myself, as our zucchini and cucumbers aren't ready quite yet, but I plan to make it as soon as I've got extras!)
This recipe is also raw, vegan, gluten-free, and Paleo (if you're strict Paleo, you can omit the miso and add an extra TB of olive oil). Check it out below - I hope you like it!