This isn't to brag or show off "how great my life is," as seems to be the case on many social media platforms, but rather #1 - to remind myself of the many blessings in my life, even when things might feel difficult or challenging, and #2 - to inspire others to do the same.
Some years, it's harder to think of things to be grateful for than others. This year, I started off feeling a bit blocked, but once I started to think about it more deeply, plenty of blessings came to mind. Even simply the fall weather was something to appreciate (we had one of the longest and most beautiful falls I can remember)!
I encourage you, dear reader, to do the same. Spend some time thinking about all the things you're thankful for over the past year - experiences you've had, people you've met, or even things you've been able to afford that you had been looking forward to buying - whatever comes to mind. And consider how much better your life is because of all of these things.
Check out my list below for some inspiration, and I wish you many more blessings in the year ahead! :-)