Throughout the 1980's and 1990's, pink and blue paper packets of chemicals replaced sugar packets on every restaurant and cafe' table, and consumers downed gallons of artificially sweetened drinks with seeming impunity. "Diet" sodas replaced the regular kind on store shelves and fast food joints. Even candy and desserts began to be made with artificially produced sugar alternatives.
But obesity rates did not decline (in fact they continued to increase unchecked), and eventually, consumers began to wake up to the potential hazards lurking in these sweetly flavored substitutes. Over the past few years, researchers have uncovered some alarming facts about artificial sweeteners - and the truth is not all that sweet... In fact, not only have some studies found that consumption of "diet" sodas may actually increase weight gain, but there are some truly troubling health consequences of long-term consumption of these chemicals.
Today's guest post explores the bitter truth about artificial sweeteners and shares some healthier alternatives.