While I've enjoyed eating violets my whole life, I didn't know until recently that they actually have some interesting healing properties.
For example, both their leaves and flowers have mucilaginous properties, helping to moisten and soothe inflamed and irritated tissues. This makes violets a great natural remedy for illnesses that involve cough or sore throat.
In fact, as Rosalee de la Forêt at LearningHerbs.com explains, violets have actually been used to soothe coughs throughout history in Native American, European, and Chinese medicine. One double-blind randomized clinical study of children with intermittent asthma found that violet syrup helped ease and significantly shorten the duration of coughs.
Violet-infused tea, syrup, or honey is also great for soothing dry and irritated sore throats, and may also help to move congestion and stagnant lymph related to upper respiratory infections.
Since it's violet season, I thought I would share this awesome recipe for quick and easy violet syrup. It may be a good remedy to have on hand right now - and you can also freeze it for later use during cold and flu season.