One of these is the tendency of our human, caring side to come through in times of danger. Many communities are now banding together to care for the less-fortunate among them.
Another positive aspect is our ability to appreciate the "little things" in life, and find joy in small moments that we may otherwise overlook.
Still another positive is the fact that many of us are seeking ways to become more healthy and self-sufficient - whether it be growing some of our own food, learning to cook for ourselves for the first time in years, or taking charge of our own health, cutting out unhealthy habits, and learning natural ways to strengthen our immunity.
This summer's Immune Defense Summit online event comes at a time when this topic is top-of-mind for many of us. In preparation for this event, there are a number of helpful resources that you can access right now to help build up your immune system and increase your odds of staying healthy.
I will be sharing these free resources with you via email and social media over the next few weeks, but first of all, I wanted to share a very interesting eBook that I think you will find quite eye-opening. Inside, you will learn what the media hasn't been telling you about the coronavirus, particularly when it comes to how to actually protect yourself from viral infections like this one.
You can grab your copy here now, or read more below...
In a few short months, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it -- and has taken a heartbreaking toll around the globe. At the time of this post, the virus has infected millions worldwide and claimed the lives of far too many.
Social distancing has become the "new normal," with restaurants and nightclubs shut down, schools closed and weddings, graduations and even funerals cancelled or postponed -- causing devastating effects on our economic and emotional well-being.
Meanwhile, researchers scramble to develop vaccines and treatments, with some touting antimalarial drugs and antivirals as potential game-changers. However, doctors aren't sure yet how effective these medications might be against COVID-19. In addition, they can cause serious side effects, including heart problems.
Some natural health experts wonder: is Western medicine overlooking some possible solutions -- and failing to see the "forest for the trees?"
--->>Unlock this FREE eBook today to uncover lifesaving truths during this unpredictable pandemic!
When you grab your copy of this free gift, you'll also save a seat for the free, online Immune Defense Summit taking place on June 8-14, 2020 — with over 30+ experts teaching you NEW strategies that boost your immune system, and help keep you and your family SAFE from pandemics, viruses and chronic diseases!
Don't miss your chance to get access to this valuable information - go ahead and grab The Coronavirus Story: What the Media Isn't Telling You now.
Stay healthy out there!