Seriously, it has been the weirdest summer ever weather-wise, with buckets of rain and nearly daily flooding up through June, and then barely any rain at all for the last couple of months. Needless to say, the garden season has been quite challenging.
Several of my new raspberry plants drowned and died early on, many tomatoes rotted on the vine before they were even ripe, and we also had problems with rot with the garlic and onions. August and September have been so hot and dry that it has been a challenge just keeping the garden alive, but somehow I have managed for the most part...
Personally, it has also been a busier summer than usual, with two separate vacations plus a weekend road trip, as well as the roofing project which took up our driveway for all of June and July, delaying our yearly delivery of wood chips until nearly September. The abundance of rain coupled with the lack of mulch meant that I spent much more of my summer weeding than I would have liked, and didn't get to many of the projects that I had intended.
However, the new metal roof is done and the recent rain we got last week sounded AMAZING! I am looking forward to (hopefully) doing the barn roof in metal at some point, as I have read some negative things about watering the garden with water off of an asphalt roof.
Our new patio doors should (finally) be installed at some point in the next week or two, and we have replaced the siding on two sections of the back of the house ourselves this summer (hot and tiring work, but kind of fun and rewarding, too).
Below are pictures plus a few more updates from the homestead this summer, including a couple of new food preservation experiments that we've tried recently...