We are learning so much lately about gut bacteria and how the health of your gut impacts your overall health, from physical to mental. As it turns out, gut bacteria may even be linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, ALS, and more! This is a breakthrough idea, and it will take some time before it becomes accepted in mainstream medicine, but it has the potential to revolutionize medicine and the treatment of brain disease as we know it.
Whether you suffer from one of these diseases yourself, you know someone who does, or you simply want to reduce your risk, you don't want to miss this eye-opening video - especially if you use antibiotics...
When we begin to understand that the gut and the brain are, in fact, intimately connected, we can begin approach neurodegenerative disease from a whole new perspective, which is what Dr. Jay Lombard discusses in this fascinating interview.
Dr. Lombard is a neurologist and author who specializes in neuroimmunological conditions. As he began treating these conditions in his practice, he noticed something interesting: most of his ALS patients were experiencing some form of intestinal problem as well - from ulcerative colitis, to Crohn's disease, and other similar gut issues. As he began to explore the connections between these bacterial imbalances and his patients' neurological symptoms, this fascinating pattern paved the way to some truly revolutionary ideas for treating and healing both the gut and the brain!
You can learn more about Dr. Lombard's discoveries in the video below, as well as
- The common factor in every neurological disorder
- Why bacteria love the brain
- How hyperthermia treatment works to fight infection
- The molecule Dr. Lombard recommends for neuro-protection
- What is leaky brain and leaky gut
- And much more
Watch the video below to learn more about this groundbreaking research and what it may mean for brain diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, and others...
Stay tuned, as I have a feeling we'll be hearing a lot more about this topic in the (hopefully) near future...
And in the meantime, discuss with your doctor, and if you know someone else who suffers from any of these or related conditions, please share this groundbreaking information with them!
To your health,