We had a quiet but enjoyable holiday, with plenty of sunshine which made it relatively pleasant to work outdoors as long as I was bundled up against the chill. My efforts were somewhat limited by a bout of hip pain, but I managed to finish the rest of the garden cleanup and fall harvest (radishes, turnips, carrots, and the remaining tender greens), do some mulching, and start working on cleaning up the yard.
We made entirely too much food for two people - as usual - but it was all delicious and featured a good amount of our own homegrown food, including deviled eggs, collard greens and kale, mashed potatoes, and butternut squash (which I did not grow intentionally this year, but we had a volunteer by the chicken run that produced 3 good-sized and delicious squashes). I also made homemade cranberry sauce, giblet gravy, and homemade raw-milk vanilla ice cream, which we enjoyed with apple pie and sparkling rose. It was very enjoyable and not too stressful, as I prepped ahead of time and made the ice cream and cranberry sauce the night before.
Anyway, Thanksgiving means it's time for this year's gratitude list, and while I found great inspiration in re-reading last year's list about the homestead, this year's list is a bit more eclectic. Here are just a few of the many things I am grateful for as we wrap up 2023...