But as simple as this sounds, for many people, it just isn't that easy. If you have grown up eating junk food regularly, eating out all the time, or not having healthy, home-cooked meals readily available, eating healthy probably just doesn't come naturally to you. But this doesn't mean it's impossible. It simply means you might have to work a little bit harder at first to build good eating habits into your daily life.
First of all, let's clear up a couple of myths.
Eating healthy doesn't mean giving up all of your favorite foods! It doesn't mean you have go vegan, give up ice cream, or stop enjoying those holiday chocolate martinis with friends.
What it does mean is learning a bit about the food you eat - both what's in it, and where it comes from. It means becoming more conscious about your food choices. And it means learning to cook at least some of your own meals for yourself. If you can embrace these three things, you will automatically start eating much healthier.
But just for kicks, here are 5 more healthy eating rules from registered dietician, Abby Langer, that will help you build healthier food habits, while still enjoying what you eat!