It has only been over the past couple of generations that bone broth has started to disappear from the American diet, and its recent resurgence in popularity is more due to the natural health foods movement of the past few years than to any familiarity with the subject. In fact, most people my age think of bone broth as nothing but a strange health fad, though it is certainly nothing new to me!
Growing up on the farm, we were schooled in the importance of using the whole animal, not wasting precious food, and extracting as many nutrients as possible out of the food we raised and grew. You could call these ancient "traditions" of sorts, but they stem from times when food was more scarce, and resources were much harder to come by than they are for many Americans today. Those who may have grown up in households of very modest means may be familiar with these philosophies, but otherwise, making your own bone broth may sound rather strange to you.
If it does, I encourage you to learn a bit more about why bone broth might be a healthy addition to your diet, as well as a sustainable food source. Below are some facts about bone broth, plus an easy and nutritious recipe to try.