No matter what type of diet or eating plan you follow, you likely have toxins built up in your body that you aren't even aware of. After all, toxins can accumulate in our tissues from many sources. From your personal care and cleaning products, to air pollution (both inside and outside the home), to the water you drink and the food you eat, toxins can come from many different sources.
Of course, you probably already know that your body has many built-in mechanisms for removing these toxins; however, depending on how much toxic exposure you've had over the past year (or years), it may be more than your body can handle without some support - especially if you are continuing to load your body with more toxins from the sources listed above.
If you're not sure whether you need to do a detox, below I've listed some signs that your body could probably use some support in its detoxification efforts.
Or, go take this interesting quiz to find out your body's toxicity score...
Yes, but that's not exactly the same kind of detox that you would use to promote wellness... So don’t be put off by the word and just focus on the health value. Just like the alcoholic’s body is thrown out of balance by alcohol, your consumption of sugar, fat, and caffeine (as well as many other toxins) can throw your body out of balance, too.
in fact, even if you try to eat right, the amount of nutrients in most of our foods is poor compared to the quality of food that our great-grandparents ate. We may be more advanced in technology, but we seem to have lost something when it comes to food quality...
Besides your food, the water you drink, the air you breathe and the unseen toxins in the environment contribute to a buildup of free radicals in your body that can cause permanent damage. Your overworked immune system just can’t keep up without some help.
To simplify things for you, you may need to detox your body if you have any of these symptoms:
- Arthritis or joint pain
- Bad breath
- Chronic respiratory or sinus problems
- Food allergies
- Constipation, diarrhea or gas
- Insomnia and fatigue
- Frequent headaches
- Depression or anxiety
- Psoriasis
- Poor digestion or acid reflux
- Sudden memory lapses
- Sensitivity to odors
Want to find out if your body is toxic? Take this short 45-second quiz to find out your toxicity score now, and uncover the truth about toxins that may be in your food, water, household products, and more. --------->> Click Here to Take The Quiz <<--------- |
Keep in mind that detoxification isn't a "quick fix." For example, a comprehensive detox program that involves several body systems may take 4 to 8 weeks to complete. But when you consider that it took years to get your body in this poor condition, isn't it worth a month or two to get it right?
If you take the time to treat your body well and help it to cleanse, detoxify, and heal, you will enjoy better health this year and in the years to come!
To your health,
P.S. To learn more about the toxins in your body, take the 45-second Body Toxicity Quiz here...