Weight loss is something that so many people struggle with in America today, and while it's not healthy to constantly berate yourself for not achieving some "ideal" of how you should look, the truth is that being overweight is linked to many different health problems that can shorten your lifespan and diminish your quality of life. Working out regularly and eating healthy is, of course, the way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight - but we all know this already, so why are so many of us still overweight?
There is quite a bit of evidence that how your view yourself and your body can contribute to weight gain (or weight loss), and there is no doubt that many of us are what we would call "emotional eaters." In fact, many doctors and psychologists now believe that the most important factor in maintaining a healthy weight is actually your mindset.
This is the reason why certain tools and habits that can help you achieve a more positive body image can actually help you lose weight without even really "trying". This month's free gift is about just that. Not only is the book itself free, but implementing the technique described in the book won't cost you anything either - and it only takes a few minutes!
Just click here to grab yours now, OR learn more and download your copy below...
"Only focusing on diet and exercise when trying to release weight, can lead to stagnant results that keep you stuck.
The challenge is that the ability to eat well, exercise, and feel safe releasing weight are all run unconsciously in your brain, and if your brain isn't wired the way you want it to be, then you're just setting yourself up for failure.
If you've struggled and gone from diet to diet, you're likely to continue the trend UNLESS you get to the root of the problem."
You see, Jessica has been taking a much different approach towards helping women, and she's been getting some startlingly good results.
And I think that the approach she takes, in dealing with the unconscious wiring in our brains, is so critical to being able to actually put in place so much of the health information we teach...
Jessica shares details on her approach to helping women find and overcome the unconscious emotions, beliefs, traumas and more that keep women from releasing weight in a free ebook she's just released called:
"103 Disempowering Beliefs About Weight Loss and Body Confidence and How to Eliminate them in Minutes!"
In the ebook, Jessica will not only help you to find the issues that are keeping YOU stuck, she'll also teach you about a technique she uses with her clients to rewire the brain for achieving optimal results. The technique is known as "EFT" or "Tapping." If you've never heard of it, don't worry as she'll explain exactly what it is, how it works, and why so many people are using it today with powerful results.
Here's some of what Jessica shares in this ebook:
On the science and research:
- What goes on in the body biologically with negative emotions like stress, anxiety and overwhelm and the specifics on how they affect your weight (The way it affects digestion, blood vessels and brain function is fascinating!)
- What happens in your brain that causes you to overeat when you are emotional (and how to counteract this)
- Why people yo-yo with diets and why they actually put on more weight when going from diet to diet
And here is some of what she'll cover on how to use tapping for weight loss:
- How to pinpoint the underlying unconscious blocks to your weight loss and then eliminate them with Tapping
- How both large and small past traumatic events (some that you might not even remember) can keep you from feeling safe to lose weight. (And she'll show you how to release these traumas with Tapping)
- How to use Tapping to make any nutritional or exercise program work for you!
- And so much more...
Get Your Copy Here...
Jessica is both extremely passionate about this subject because of her own previous struggle with her weight, as well as extremely knowledgeable on the subject, having coached over 10,000 women over the past few years.
I hope you check this out. Every woman deserves to be happy and confident in her body!
Grab Your Free EBook Here...
To your health!