There are many things you can do to help give your immune system a boost and stay healthy during the winter months. Getting plenty of vitamins (especially C and D), sleep, and exercise, and drinking lots of healthy fluids like tea, chicken bone broth, and plain old water are your first and most important weapons against illness.
However, some studies have found that certain plant extracts such as essential oils can also be of great help in boosting your immune system and keeping you healthy. While there are hundreds of different essential oils out there, below are 7 of the best ones for immune health - plus some tips for using them.
We like Ananda Apothecary essential oils, which use third-party testing to verify the quality and potency of every oil they sell, and guarantee 100% purity. They also have very good prices prices (compared to other high quality oils), and they don't require any minimum order or monthly purchase, which many essential oil companies do.
Besides finding a quality oil, here are a few tips for properly using essential oils:
1.) Don't use the same oil for longer than 7-10 days, or your body may build up a tolerance that weakens the effectiveness of the oil. To avoid this, alternate the oils (or combinations of oils) that you use every other week.
2.) A few applications aren't going to make much of a difference when it comes to boosting your immune system. To maintain optimal health, you will want to use some of these oils at least 3-4 times per week - if not daily.
3.) Do not shower for at least 7 hours after applying essential oils.
4.) Not all essential oils have anti-viral properties. Most are antibacterial, but not all will fight viruses.
5.) Do not use essential oils on babies. Some - but not all - essential oils are safe for children, so do your research before using on a child. For children, use only half of the recommended adult dose.
The best way to apply most essential oils is to the soles of the feet before bedtime. Rub oils thoroughly into the soft, uncalloused area between the ball of the foot and the heel.
Here are 7 good essential oils to use for boosting your immune system this winter - along with usage tips, cautions, and warnings to keep in mind - according to Organic Lifestyle Magazine:
- Clove Bud: One of the most powerful and reliable essential oils in clinical aromatherapy, clove combats contagious diseases and is an excellent oil to use for any bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. Also highly recommended for Lyme disease. How to use: 4 drops undiluted on each sole of the foot. Works even better when layered with organic lemon essential oil and used in combination 2-3x a week for 7 days. After a week, use another single oil or combination. Caution: Do not use undiluted or diluted on any other part of the body besides the soles of the feet. Avoid clove essential oil if you are on blood thinners.
- Eucalyptus citriodora: There are over 700 species of eucalyptus, and Eucalyptus citriodora (also known as Lemon Eucalyptus) is one of the most valuable. It has potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties and is highly effective for bacterial and viral infections of the respiratory system*. How to use: 4 drops undiluted on each sole of the foot. Effective for flu pain when diluted and combined with balsam fir; apply this diluted combination to aching muscles and joints. Can also be mixed with Epsom salts or sea salt and dispersed into a hot bath or foot bath. Can be diffused into the air via nebulizer to clear the air of viruses. *Do not use Lemon Eucalyptus if you have asthma.
- Eucalyptus globulus: Menthol-rich eucalyptus eases the pain of muscles and joints associated with influenza and strengthens the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria. It also combats infectious fevers. Eucalyptus breaks up chest congestion when diluted and applied to the chest and throat in non-asthmatics. How to use: A few drops added to a pot or heat-proof bowl of hot water will make a wonderful steam for inflamed sinuses associated with head colds and chronic sinusitis. *Do not use Eucalyptus globulus if you have asthma. In cases of asthma, substitute with pine needle or balsam fir or pine needle.
- Lavender: Seemingly a lightweight, this essential oil is the primary oil to have on hand at home and while traveling. How to use: 4 drops undiluted on each sole of the foot. Works even better when layered with organic lemon essential oil and used in combination 2-3x a week for 7 days. After a week, use another single oil or combination.
- Organic Lemon: Organic lemon essential oil is one of the most potent oils and the first to go to when one’s immunity is compromised. Organic lemon stimulates white blood cell production and boosts immunity against serious infections including pneumonia and staph. How to use: 4 drops undiluted on each sole of the foot. Organic lemon kills viruses and bacteria when diffused into the air via nebulizer.
- Pine Needle: Pine needle is good friend for viral fatigue and aching, winter muscles when a cold or flu is dragging you down. How to use: 4 drops undiluted on each sole of the foot. Best used when mixed with sea salt or Epsom salt and added to hot bath water. It can also be diluted in a little vegetable oil or unscented lotion and rubbed into the body. Pine needle is also a great oil to dilute and rub onto the chest for coughs and bronchitis.
- Tea Tree: Tea tree oil is a powerful and reliable oil for the immune system that is best when combined with organic lemon, white thyme, clove, or lavender essential oil to fight infections and the flu. How to use: 4 drops undiluted on each sole of the foot.
Note: Essential oils are generally very safe when used as directed. However, sensitivities to any oil may occur, so use caution, start with a small amount of one oil at a time, and stop use immediately and consult your doctor or naturopath if any issues arise.
As with any natural remedy (or drug, for that matter), essential oils are not a substitute for a healthy diet and other healthy lifestyle choices. However, when used properly, they can be of great supplemental help in keeping you healthy naturally, and without the serious side effects of many drugs.
To learn more about using essential oils, check out the book Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine for a Modern World, by Josh Axe & Jordan Rubin, or The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, by Valerie Worwood.
To your health, year-round!
P.S. Next week we are being treated to a visit by my uncle from Minnesota, so I may not have time to get a post out to you. But stay tuned, as we'll be back soon with more natural remedies, health revelations, and healthy recipes! In the meantime, be sure to subscribe to our weekly updates to stay up to date on all the natural health and holistic living news you need to know.