If you've ever had an interest in herbal medicine or natural remedies, you will definitely want to check out this week's special online event! I'm so excited to see the lineup of awesome natural health experts who will be sharing their knowledge and wisdom - some of whom I have been following for years. They will be discussing so many amazing topics on food, medicine, herbs, and health.
You see, there are 3 stages people go through when they wake up to the power of food to transform their lives. (Most people stop at stage 2.)
The 1st stage of the health revolution recognizes food as the most powerful way to improve your health.
Here, people start eating healthier, buying organic, and maybe even exploring farmers markets.
The 2nd stage is understanding the power of superfoods.
In this stage, people start using powerful plants like wheatgrass, maca, chia, moringa and goji berries. And that’s where most people stop… but the next stage is where things really get interesting.
This is the next revolution in plant-based healing and natural health.
That’s why I’m so excited to share this with you!
It’s called Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness, and it's a hard-hitting, transformative - and FREE - documentary series exploring the most powerful herbal medicines known to man.
But it’s not only “medicine” for sick people to become healthy. It’s also medicine that helps healthy people become even stronger and more vital.
Click HERE to watch the trailer!
You’ll be on the cutting edge of natural health as 42 world-renowned experts reveal simple natural remedies and
"hacks" for virtually every health condition and question you can imagine.
In this exclusive FREE series, you’ll discover:
- The 3 Herbs everyone should take everyday– in any health condition – that are guaranteed to make you healthier, happier, and more resilient
- An herb that improves brain function and memory for anyone - old, young, sick, or healthy (it even looks like a cross-section of a brain with a spinal cord!)
- Promising remedies for the big diseases of our time - cancer, heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune disorders and other illnesses.
- The ancient herb combination that has been shown to reverse neurodegenerative conditions like multiple sclerosis
- A plant based solution that addresses the real source of depression, lethargy, infertility, and a deflated libido… growing right in your own neighborhood!
- Herbal tricks to quiet your “monkey mind” so you can stop obsessive thought loops and focus on what really matters.
- And much, much more
Are you ready to step into the next stage of the natural health revolution?
This documentary series is packed with natural healing information you can immediately use in your own and your loved one’s lives. All you have to do is click the link to register.
And did I mention it’s free? :-)
Just click the link to register now - it all starts THIS Tuesday!
YES! I want FREE access to this groundbreaking docuseries!
I hope you can join us there!
P.S. The Remedy docu-series is only going to be available for free for a short time before they take it down, so be sure to register now for free access!