Obviously this isn't a scientific term, but "superfoods"have come to be known as foods that deliver an extra punch of nutrients. Most superfoods are fruits and vegetables, and while you might think of superfoods as something like acai berries or goji berries - something you probably can't find in your local supermarket - in fact, many superfoods are not exotic at all, and you can even grow them in your own garden!
In truth, homegrown foods are the most "super" foods of all when it comes to nutrients, as most fruits and vegetables begin to lose nutrients very quickly after harvesting. The closer you can consume your food to the time it was harvested, the more nutritious it will be. On the other hand, even the most nutrient-packed foods (like blueberries), become a lot less "super" after harvesting, shipping across the country, and sitting in the supermarket for several days.
It stands to reason that growing your own food is the best way to enjoy true superfoods in their healthiest form. And the good news is, it's actually not that hard to grow your own superfoods!
Master gardener, Stacey Murphy, has teamed up with visionary growers from across the country to share the best tips for growing some of the most powerful health foods on the planet, so that you can get the nutrition you need to prevent chronic illness and enjoy a life of optimum health and well being.
And believe it or not, growing superfoods right at home can be simpler than most people think!
Click Here to Claim Your Spot at the Superfood Garden Summit...
The Summit is a totally FREE and online LIVE event airing July 17-21.
Whether you’ve never planted a seed, you think you have a brown thumb, or you’ve been growing for years... this summit simplifies the steps to growing food so you know exactly what to do to enjoy supercharged health right at your fingertips!.
Because everyone deserves access to fresh, clean food, and growing your own is one of the best ways to do just that.
In this Summit you’ll discover:
- The simple steps to growing over a dozen superfoods… anywhere.
- 10 Easiest herbs to grow for broad spectrum health benefits
- How you can supercharge the nutrient density in all your harvests with ease.
- One method to get five times more harvest from the top superfood
- Three super fast and easy herbal rituals to increase your daily energy
- The truth about one of the most common garlic myths
- REAL fast food that’s homegrown, convenient and healthy!
- How to grow a non-stop supply of organic food that nourishes and energizes you
- What plants have to say about our personal health and well-being.
- How to get your plants started right for less pest and disease issues later
- One mistake people make when drying herbs that reduces their potency… and effectiveness
- What you need to know BEFORE you purchase fruit trees + MORE!
These are just some of the superfoods you’ll learn to grow, harvest and store during this special summit:
Ginger: known to boost immune health, increase blood flow, and remove toxins from your body
Turmeric: a wildly popular anti-inflammatory with amazing cancer fighting properties
Elderberry: packed with vitamin C and a strong flu season preventative
Tigernuts: a lesser known ancient food packed with some hard-to-find precious minerals
Sweet Potato: One of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet!
And while you’ll want to tune into as many presentations as you can LIVE so you can ask questions, you will have access to 24 hour replays as well.
Reserve your spot today, and join me there!