It's a question I have explored for some years now, and my conclusion thus far is...
YES, but it takes some work!
If you're surrounded by negativity, you tend to absorb it. And once you absorb it, it's difficult to shake. But it IS possible, and this video podcast episode shares some interesting insights into how to get there.
In this episode, Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dan Harris about the science of happiness, how to deal with the challenges of modern-day life, and how to create more happiness for ourselves and for those around us!
Check it out to learn what Dan, entrepreneur, podcaster, and author of the book, 10% Happier, has to say about the science of happiness...
The good news is that happiness is a skill, and we can actually train our brains for happiness through simple mindfulness practices like meditation!
You'll also hear about one of the key takeaways from Dan’s recent visit with the Dalai Lama, which is the concept of wise selfishness. This means recognizing that we are both hardwired to be self-interested and we are social animals, programmed for compassion, collaboration, and connection. Dan explains how acting in generous and altruistic ways makes you happier than solely focusing on yourself.
They also discuss what self-criticism and judgment of others does to our biology, and how meditation can help us work through these things - and much more.
Happiness doesn’t have to be something you either have or you don’t—just like your health, it’s something you can work on and improve with focused attention.
Tune in below in to learn more about embracing mindfulness habits that can promote more joy and contentment in your own life!
- The misinterpretation of an incident with the Dalai Lama shown in a recent viral video (2:28)
- How to be happier and healthier (9:18)
- Wise selfishness (16:34)
- The neurobiology of altruism (20:19)
- How to train your brain for happiness (26:01)
- The connection between psychedelics and meditation (33:31)
- How Dan’s life has changed from meditation (37:25)
- Meditation as one component of trauma therapy (57:40)
- Self-criticism and judgment of others (1:01:02)
- Dan’s experience spending time with the Dalai Lama (1:08:00)
I hope you find this episode as interesting and helpful as I did.
To your health & happiness! :-)