Factory farming or industrial agriculture is one of the major causes of climate change as well as other related environmental issues, such as soil depredation, erosion, water pollution, and more. It's no wonder that we are becoming more passionate about what we eat, and how it is raised and produced! However, this change has also lead to many heated debates and not-entirely-constructive criticism of each other's dietary choices...
There is no doubt that our food system needs to change. It is also no doubt the case that we in the wealthy Western world are in large part to blame and need to take a good hard look at our contributions to the problem - which are huge and many. Most of us could stand to eat a little less meat and a lot more vegetables. All of us could stand to take more responsibility for our diets and how they are contributing to the massive issues of modern disease, food inequality, and environmental degradation around us.
Although the new administration is already taking steps to address some of these problems, it is highly unlikely that these issues will be solved by any one solution - or by any one president in 4 or even 8 years. Instead, this is going to take a concerted and ongoing effort by citizens and government officials alike to take steps in multiple areas to fix our food system. (Dr. Mark Hyman's excellent book, Food Fix, details some of these possible solutions.)
However, today we are here to talk specifically about meat. We Americans love our beef, but the beef industry is one of the most destructive when it comes to environmental issues. Factory farming has caused so many evils in the world, and I won't go into them all here today, but you can read this post for more information on this topic.
But is the answer simply to give up meat altogether? Some would say yes, while others argue we simply need to change our methods of meat production. A shift towards regenerative agriculture is beginning to occur, and I believe it is a necessary step. Will it solve everything? Probably not, but it can certainly make a positive difference and start moving us in the right direction.
On this episode of The Doctor's Farmacy, Dr. Mark Hyman discusses the possibilities of regenerative agriculture with two experts on the topic. Check it out below:
If you’re confused about meat and its relationship with the climate, human health, and animal welfare, this is the podcast for you.
These topics have been extremely conflated and many have turned to veganism as an answer. Unfortunately, it’s not so simple. And a black and white approach to diet can be dangerous not only for our individual nutritional needs, but it can slow much-needed progress when it comes to truly supporting and protecting our environment.
Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy I’m thrilled to sit down with Diana Rodgers and Robb Wolf to talk about the nuances of regeneratively raised meat and how it can reverse climate change, support better health for those that eat it, and provide natural and caring conditions for the animals it involves.
To your health,