Ever stronger antibiotics have been created to try to deal this problem, but eventually some fear that most or all antibiotics - even the strongest ones - will be ineffective against these superbugs, and we will be back where we started - before the discovery of antibiotics completely changed modern medicine and eliminated many of the diseases that then plagued humankind. And some experts fear that it is already too late...
According to the CDC, nearly 3 million people in the U.S. are infected by antibiotic-resistant bacteria every year, and over 35,000 die. Worldwide, the problem is even worse, with the WHO reporting that 700,000 people die annually from drug-resistant infections.
However, even with the prevalence of superbugs, antibiotics continue to often be prescribed indiscriminately, and they are still routinely fed to livestock - which compounds the problem. Here to talk about this issue in depth - and offer some ideas of what we can do about this dangerous issue, is Marjorie Wildcraft from The Grow Network.
On this Wellness Mama podcast episode, she discusses the following issues:
- A big problem with the current thinking on germs
- The link between penicillin and MRSA
- Factors contributing to the rise in superbugs
- Why antibiotic overuse is so dangerous and what to do about it
- A very important reason to choose only organic and grass-fed meat without antibiotics
- Why superbugs could mean the end of modern medicine as we know it
- When antibiotics are actually needed for ear infections
- Why superbugs may mean that one day there will be no such thing as a minor surgery
- What we can all do individually to help stop the spread of superbugs
- And much more!
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