In fact, much evidence suggests that we are only just barely beginning to realize the immense powers that our minds possess - especially when it comes to healing our bodies. Although the scientific community has neatly divided the human mind from the human body as if they were two separate entities, the truth is that our bodies and minds have always been inextricably connected - in ways that modern medicine has yet to understand.
We, humans, on the other hand, have always had an inkling that these connections are very real indeed, and you can find the evidence in our language. For example, you've almost certainly heard the expression of someone "knowing" something "in my gut." Likewise, our heart also gets a lot of press as a center of knowledge ("I knew it in my heart," "I let my heart lead me," etc.).
Your body truly is part of your mind, just as your mind is a part of your body, and so it's no wonder that mental health has many physical aspects to it (depression and even addiction, for example, have been closely linked to dietary issues and gut health), and similarly, that our mind can have significant impacts on our physical health.
The placebo effect is one example that has long been recognized even by mainstream medicine. Once believed to be a mere fluke, the placebo effect is very real indeed, and has been used in a wide range of medical studies of many different health conditions and treatments. In fact, fascinatingly enough, some studies are now being conducted to learn whether the placebo effect can successfully be used to treat certain health conditions without using drugs at all!
Check out this podcast episode below to learn about the amazing powers hiding in your mind - including - "woo-woo" as it may sound - the potential for spontaneous healing!
"Dr. Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He uses that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness.
Since 2010, he has partnered with scientists and universities to perform extensive research on the effects that meditation has on the brain and body. During his advanced retreats around the world, his team has gathered more than 8,000 brain scans and 4,000 heart-rate variability measurements in an attempt to correlate the effects that sustained elevated emotions and self-regulation have on heart and brain function, immune response, and overall mind-body health. He and his team have also studied gene expression, protein regulation, immune response, neurotransmitter changes, telomere length, and variations in bioactive cellular metabolic particles in both novice and advanced meditators.
As a New York Times bestselling author, researcher, lecturer, and corporate consultant, Dr. Joe’s research has led him to develop a practical formula to help people transform their lives. We talk about the four key elements of this formula throughout this episode.
Dr. Joe shares some incredible stories of people he has helped redefine their lives. It might sound impossible, like the man who went from using a wheelchair to running down the beach over the course of a week, but we talk about how tapping into the mind and our emotional state actually signals our cells and genes to recalibrate. Dr. Joe has an extensive body of research behind his work which he shares with us throughout our talk. The key is that we can change our inner dialogue in a way that shifts our physiology to allow healing and thriving."
Listen Now:
- How Dr. Joe first became interested in studying spontaneous remissions (8:16)
- Changing your reality requires changing yourself (10:49)
- How your past can control your present and keep you unwell, and how to break free from it (14:14)
- Moving out of stress to an elevated state of bliss, love, and ecstasy (23:22)
- Rewiring your brain to break habitual thought and emotional patterns (31:21)
- The power of using mental rehearsal to create our present and future reality (35:25)
- The four necessary elements of healing your body with your mind (43:33)
- Why practicing gratitude is a gateway to improving our health and wellbeing (46:02)
- How our thoughts can change our gene expression (54:33)
- Remarkable stories of healing and spontaneous remissions (1:03:53)
I believe we are at the very beginning of understanding how powerful our minds truly are, and the mind may very well be the new scientific frontier of this century...
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To your health,