That's why I'm so excited to finally have a house and land of my own! My husband and I recently purchased an old home on 5 acres of beautiful farmland, and now comes the challenging part: figuring out what we want to do with it!
If you've been reading our Green Living blog lately, we've been doing a series on homesteading, and I guess that is as good a word to describe it as any. We aren't trying to be large-scale farmers. I don't know that we will ever even try in any way to make a living off the land.

Now that dream is (hopefully) becoming a reality, although it will certainly be an ongoing process! I have only gardened on a very small scale during adulthood, be it container gardening, or in a tiny kitchen garden outside my apartment. Raising livestock is something I only remember helping my parents do, and we aren't quite as "rustic" in the utilities area as we were growing up (e.g. we now have regular indoor plumbing and "unlimited" water - how to be water efficient? Since we have a septic system and not an outhouse, and no gray-water system, what is the best way to be less wasteful with our waste water? Etc.). So while my roots may be in homesteading, in practice, that is, in doing it myself, it's all pretty new to me in many ways.

I'm sure it won't be easy, and probably not always fun, but as I remembered yesterday, as I tramped through piles of wet, fragrant autumn leaves, carrying wood and moving compost bins and cutting and hauling brush until I was aching and sweating despite the briskly cold winds, it can satisfy something in the deepest, richest, part of me that nothing else can.
It can, if I may venture to say so, satisfy the soul.
Holistically yours,