To kick things off, I'm sharing something a little different with you this month... I thought it would be helpful to start off the New Year with a resource to help you live a happier and healthier life on all levels. That's why I'm excited to share a wonderful and free learning opportunity with you, to help you get your year off to a great start! This amazing online class will help you learn how to tap into your heart's innate intelligence and create a harmonious connection between your mind, body, and heart for greater peace, happiness, health, and immunity.
While humans have always had an innate sense that the heart is of central importance - not only for our physical health, but also for our emotional well-being - Western science has only recently begun to realize this truth. In this one-hour class, you'll learn what science says about the energy of the heart, and how to tap into it to optimize your health and well-being. Register here to watch for free, or click to learn more below...
Interestingly enough, science today is starting to support this perspective, finding that our energetic heart — not our brain — acts as the gateway to our higher self.
Rollin McCraty, PhD’s work as a psycho-physiologist and Director of Research at the HearthMath Institute illustrates that feeling positive emotions like love or gratitude can put our body back in harmony and stabilize the rhythms of the heart.
In this ideal state of coherence, the heart’s electromagnetic energy transmits waves of healing, inner peace, and well-being that not only affects us, but others around us.
Rollin will show you what it takes to achieve “heart coherence” in a free online class: Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence: Experience a Heart Coherence Practice to Shift from Stress & Negativity to Calm & Well-Being.
In this one-hour event, you’ll discover:
- What heart coherence is and the power of it
- How one of the most effective ways to be heart coherent is through emotional self-regulation
- The ways in which negative and positive emotions can impact your hormonal and nervous systems
- How heart coherence can positively transform each of us — and simultaneously improve social and global harmony
- A quick and simple practice you can use on the fly anytime you want to self-regulate and shift into a more heart-coherent state
You’ll also learn different ways to better manage anxiety, improve cognitive performance, and connect with a deeper intuitive awareness.
Click Here to RSVP & Watch for Free...
In Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence, you’ll learn what it takes to achieve “heart coherence,” where the heart, brain, and nervous system are aligned and in sync, giving you inner peace, a renewed sense of energy, clear-headedness, and a strong immune system.
To your health - both physical and emotional,