This summer has been a perfect example of why I think people find gardening so interesting - and so frustrating, at times: Every year is different.
This summer is completely opposite from the last, at least weather-wise. Last summer our main challenge was keeping our plants from drowning due to the nearly constant rain! Cooler than normal temperatures made the season long and a bit slow, but most of our plants loved all the water.
This year has been okay with rain so far (at least in our neighborhood) - until the last couple of weeks (but really no extra to speak of, and I haven't seen the garden "moat" since May). Now the grass is beginning to turn brown from lack of rain, and I am having to water almost constantly. The long, cold spring delayed many crops from going in the ground until much later than usual, but the consistently hot summer has helped things catch up - particularly the peppers, which have been producing for several weeks now - more than a full month earlier than last year!
Now that the tomatoes are finally starting, the bounty begins in earnest: counters loaded with so many piles of produce it's hard to keep them all straight. Overflowing trays and colanders of ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, zucchini, eggplants, green beans, oh, and did I mention cucumbers?
I fear I may have actually underplanted tomatoes, as they don't seem to be so loaded with fruit as last year, and I also planted fewer plants. They are also terribly afflicted by blossom end rot this year, so I have lost a lot of the early ones. We do have a few quarts of canned and frozen tomatoes left from last summer, but not many, so hopefully I can manage to put up what we need for the year.
The peppers are very much enjoying the hot weather, and we have been picking bags full of banana peppers from our 3 plants - I had no idea they would be so productive! I made 4 jars of pickled banana peppers yesterday, and we have been enjoying them fresh in salads, salsa, etc., as well. The bell peppers and hot peppers are also sizing up nicely, and we have already been harvesting a few.
The melons are loving the bales as usual - numerous honeydew and cantaloupes peek out at me temptingly, getting bigger every day, but are not yet aromatic and ripe. Happily, since a family of milk snakes moved into the compost pile, we have NO mouse problem this year! (Last year, you may recall, the mice devoured at least 1/3 of my cantaloupe crop.) I haven't seen a single mouse yet this summer, and am hoping for a great crop of un-nibbled melons.
The garlic that my mom gave me last fall turned out awesome - well, some of it did.... The heads are huge, with giant, fat, crisp cloves, and thick, purple skins. Unfortunately, they seem to have been affected by some kind of little maggot, and some of the heads were entirely rotten by the time I peeled them! It was very disappointing, after the excitement of seeing the great big heads I pulled out of the ground. But we still got a good yield, and I will rotate to a new bed this fall and try again.
One last thing, as many readers ask about our hay bale gardening experience.... So far the hay bales seem to be doing well again this year, despite the much drier weather. The only real issue we've had with them this year is the stem rot, which seems to only affect the squash plants. Most of them have it to some degree, but are still growing well - except for my one buttercup plant that died. I may try some in the soil beds next year for comparison.