though a weedy one.
I had meant to get my potatoes planted this weekend, but as the lows this week are predicted to be in the 20's again, I'm waiting another week just to be safe. Nonetheless, the garden already is looking beautiful (though I may be a bit biased! :-)
I picked up some organic potting soil today, and indoor seed planting will be underway this week, despite the chilly temps outdoors. I'm so excited to get things growing!
Here are some springtime pics from around the homestead. The daffodils have been beautiful, with even more blooming than last year, but unfortunately it seems a wascally wabbit has discovered the tulips, and eaten the buds and stalks all the way to the ground - along with many of the leaves off my strawberry plants!
If things go well, I'm a bit nervous about how much food we're going to have... When I look at the mound of seed packets, I feel like we must be crazy, but then again, if we're trying to be more self-sustaining, growing a wide variety of stuff is essential. I am glad we didn't attempt to fill the whole garden space last year. It was nice to have a more limited trial run, so I could learn important things like, don't plant 27 tomato plants for 2 people! :-) 15 quarts of pickles is too many. Or, the mice are going to eat half of your melons. This year, I am looking forward to a wider variety of peppers, melons, and squash - and more potatoes!
The potatoes did so well in the hay bales last year, this year we are doubling our potato bale space (3 bales last year, 6 this year). I put compost on top a week or so ago, as well as some coffee grounds to increase acidity.
(Yes, as you can see from the pics, it's pretty swampy today after a hard rain yesterday, but with sunshine and lots of wind, the puddles have been drying up fairly quickly.)
The oregano I planted from seed in the fall in the mint bed by the house has also taken off and looks amazing - other than, of course, being partly smothered by the mint. I cleaned out the bed a bit today, and I think it will do well there. The mint, of course, is venturing out to try to take over the lawn (and eventually the universe), but we will just mow it as needed, and it will keep the lawn smelling minty fresh. :-)
Though we may be a bit behind due to the chilly temps, things are coming along, and it has been very beautiful and sunny. Soon I'll be getting pepper and tomato seedlings started indoors, and tucking the potatoes into bales.
I am also planning some early peas and salad greens (the white plastic you see in the picture above is covering a bed to try to warm the soil a bit before direct seeding these), so we will see how it goes.
Now if only we can catch that darned rabbit, before it demolishes the rest of my strawberry plants, along with the tulips!