So we are learning what all new homesteaders have to learn early on: how to get creative and use existing resources to accomplish our goals while spending little money. My two outdoor projects this weekend were a perfect case-in-point. As we are hosting a Halloween party next weekend, my main goal this week is to get some things cleaned up outside. The previous owner left quite a few piles of junk in the yard, mostly covered with leaves and overgrown with weeds. Most of it is turning out to be broken furniture, wood, and tree branches, along with a few tires, wooden pallets, etc. But among the trash, a frugal mind can often find treasure, and so we did.

In the meantime, I took advantage of the sales on this fall's bountiful raspberry crop, and purchased a whole bunch of raspberries incredibly cheaply to make a batch of old-fashioned raspberry jam, which turned out absolutely lovely, and was surprisingly easy to make! I look forward to making jam with our own berries in a year or two!

I have been really enjoying the sustainability of creating our own garden out of materials we have on hand, or can make ourselves. For example, grass clippings quickly decompose into amazingly black, rich dirt. Leaves take a little longer, but the previous owner had piled last year's leaves around a tree stump, and now they are also falling apart into rich, soft soil. Since we are blessed with a huge maple tree out front, I plan to do the same with this year's leaves, for next fall's garden projects. So we have two sources of completely free (other than sweat equity) soil amendments, and all of this without any chemicals since we don't use any on our lawn - and we have 5 acres of grass to mow if we need more! :-)

So I will keep you posted on our progress, as well as this week's experiments - making hard cider, and growing ginger in a pot!
Do you have any homesteading adventures you'd like to share? Feel free to comment below, or email me at [email protected] - I'd love to hear your stories!
Yours in good health & sustainable living,
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