I have been saving a few of my own seeds for years (especially tomatoes and beans) with varying success, and this Seed Saving Hacks Webinar really helped me to figure out what I could do better and how to improve my results with seeds that I saved - and it also explains why saving your own seeds is so important for preserving our food security!
Whether you're a dedicated seed-saver, or you've never saved seeds before, you're sure to get something out of this helpful webinar.
This webinar explains how this happened, and why it's so dangerous to our global food security. You will also learn two simple ways that you can take back control of the seed supply, and how these actions will benefit both your health and the health of our communities.
Click Here to Watch the Free Seed Saving Hacks Webinar...
You will also learn specific tips for saving seeds from tomatoes, peppers, peas, beans, lettuce, and more. But this webinar goes beyond just these simple tips; on the webinar, Bill McDorman, Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, will also teach you how to save seeds to select for amazing taste, insect and disease resistance, or drought tolerance - depending on your climate and garden locale.
You will learn strategies for saving seeds that will help you grow a healthier, stronger, more disease-resistant and resilient garden that is perfectly suited for YOUR specific growing conditions.
Who knew that the simple act of saving seeds could make this much of a difference to your garden's health and vigor?
Watch the Webinar for FREE Here...
And if you haven't already, be sure to follow our Sustainable Gardening page on Facebook - we've got a fun and active community of awesome gardeners just waiting to exchange garden tips with you!
I'll be back soon with more healthy and holistic living ideas. (However, please note that next week is our summer "Blogging Break Week," so there won't be a new post here until the 15th.)
Have a happy and healthy 4th of July, and enjoy the summer weather!
P.S. You can also find a handy list of upcoming free webinars on various gardening and homesteading topics here - check it out to see what else is coming up this month!