Along with springtime comes the seemingly endless list of outdoor and garden tasks to be done. This weekend I cut down some shrubs near the house to make room for our new gooseberry bushes, planted potatoes, set up a pea trellis, planted peas, and moved our herbs out to the deck for some fresh air and sunshine. Next weekend we will be erecting our raspberry trellis and (hopefully) planting raspberries - if they arrive on schedule - as well as planting out spring salad greens, onions, and possibly our broccoli and cabbage seedlings.
Although growing your own food does take some time and effort, it is well-worth it when you reap the bountiful harvest! There are also plenty of gardening methods that require less work, especially if you are working with a smaller amount of space.
For most people, growing all your own food may seem a daunting prospect. However, it can be a much more realistic achievement to grow approximately half of your own food - even if you don't have a huge piece of property.
In fact, this can be a lot easier than you think - and not as much work as you might expect - as long as you are using an appropriate growing system for your location - and you have the right knowledge for success.
Want to know how to do it for yourself? Read on...
If you haven't started growing your own food yet, why not?
Is it because you don’t have enough time?
Is it because you don’t have enough space?
Is it because you don’t know how?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I have some really good news for you…
You can grow half of your own food, in your own back yard, in less than 1 hour per day.
Would you like to know how?
I've got a great resource this week that I think will really help you out! One of my favorite gardening, homesteading, and natural health experts, Marjory Wildcraft, has spent decades teaching people all over the world how to grow their own food.
She practices a simple system that is designed to allow literally anyone to grow half of their own food.
She broke down the nutritional needs of the average person, projected them out for an entire year, and identified 3 core components that can provide half of the food you need - and this system is so easy that anyone can do it.
If you have a back yard, and a little determination – you can get started right now - this year!
And let me be clear. I’m not just talking about cutting your grocery bills in half, or drastically reducing the amount of time that you spend working in the garden.
I’m talking about the potential for serious improvements in your health, happiness, and longevity.
The kind of improvements that only come from replacing half of your diet with the most nutritious, delicious, and nourishing food available on the planet… homegrown!
The knowledge and insights that are compiled in this film would take you years to learn on your own. But they are presented here in a system that eliminates the time-consuming research and trial-and-error that prevent you from successfully growing your own food.
And today through Tuesday, April 9, Marjory Wildcraft is making it all available to you…for free!
Click Here to Reserve Your Spot at the 72-Hour FREE Viewing
It’s called How to Grow Half Your Own Food (in your own back yard in less than an hour per day).
You can take advantage of this FREE resource to start growing the best, most nutritious, most nourishing food for yourself and your family today.
And if you think you don’t have time to grow your own food, guess again! You can implement the 3 core components of this system in less than 1 hour per day, and you’ll be fully operational in less than one year. You can start in an area as small as 10-feet by 10-feet. And everything you need to know is included in the provided resources.
Register here for the 72-Hour FREE Viewing.
And don't worry - if you don't have time to watch it before the free viewing is over, you can still get access to Marjorie's full system for less than the cost of 1 week's worth of groceries!
She has compiled all of the information for you on 2 DVDs - and she also includes a number of awesome supplemental resources.
On the first disk, Marjory provides an overview of the system and shows you how everything works. The second disk goes in-depth on each of the 3 core components – with expert presentations by Stacey Murphy of BK Farmyards and Jeanette Beranger of The Livestock Conservancy.
You will also receive 2 bonus guides, 2 e-books, and 2 additional videos covering topics such as raising rabbits, creating an off-grid livestock watering system, finding the best seeds, growing food as an elder, and more!
All the research and trial-and-error is done for you, so that you can skip straight to producing large quantities of delicious, nourishing homegrown food.
If you missed the free viewing - or if you just want to have a copy of this priceless information to review again and again as needed, you can grab the full system on DVD here.
Happy growing! :-)