This month, I've got something a little different for you...
It's a free tool to help you extend your garden season and maximize your harvest!
While you may think of planting a garden as being a springtime activity, midsummer is actually a great time to plant some late summer and fall crops.
The best way to do this is called succession planting. It helps you get more out of your available garden space by planting a succession of crops one after another.
Yes, it really is that simple, but having a handy calculator like this one will help make the process easier to keep track of. Go ahead and grab your copy now, or learn more below.
Enjoy your summer bounty! :-)
A lot of gardeners plant their gardens once, but if you’re serious about growing most of your own food, successive planting techniques provide you more harvest opportunities. "Succession planting" is when you continuously plant in intervals, with the goal of harvesting a mature crop from the same space repeatedly throughout the season. Not only does it produce more harvest for your efforts, but it also makes efficient use of limited gardening space.
What’s the biggest challenge with succession planting, the thing that's holding gardeners back from more produce?
Figuring out planting dates!
Especially for new gardeners, it’s tricky to calculate those intervals for different types of crops based on your growing season length. Instead of trying to figure out your own calculations and track down all of the information from different places, use this free Succession Planting Calculator!
This Succession Planting Calculator will help you make calculated efforts to plant continuously, for increased crops when you need them. Enter your frost date, and you’ll automatically get planting dates for 32 common garden crops.
It's quick and easy to use, even for new gardeners!
Optimize your garden’s production by ensuring that you plant successively and get the best production from your garden, this year and beyond.
Get access to the free Succession Planting Calculator here!
To a bountiful harvest,