Whether you're growing a fall garden, or planning for spring planting next season, this is a great time to brush up on your garden knowledge and skills, which is why I'm excited to share this month's freebie with you... Check it out below to learn more, or go here right now to grab your FREE garden guide that will help you get lots more yummy homegrown food out of your available space - no matter where you live!
It may sound incredible, but it’s true. Here’s the story… When my fellow gardener Stacey first started gardening, she didn’t have much room in her yard. And there was already a really big shade tree in it to boot.
Not being one to give up easily, she decided to try an experiment one day… She grew one row of cabbage in full sunlight with no shade. And the other row of cabbage she put just under the tree with a tiny bit of shade (2 hours worth). What happened next was remarkable…
The sunlit cabbage grew to over 16lbs at harvest!… while the shaded cabbage weighed a measly 4.5lbs.
And it took an extra 60 days to reach a harvest!
Which is really wild when you think about it. That’s nearly 4X the harvest from just 2 extra hours of direct sunlight. Or if you want to start thinking about something really interesting, that’s about double the harvest in about half the space.
But it doesn’t stop there. This small little tweak is just one of 5 big-harvest secrets that Stacey wants to share with you. And today I want to share ALL 5 secrets with you in her guide, How to Double Your Harvest in Half the Space.
Inside you’ll get to learn all about…
- The secret farmers in Alaska use to grow monster-sized vegetables without grow lights or greenhouses.
- Why the night time might be killing the size of your vegetable garden’s harvest.
- The #1 reason you want less space (NOT more) for your vegetable and herb garden.
- How to make sure you never forget to water, weed, or feed your vegetable garden.
- Stacey’s rules of thumb for watering so your garden doesn’t die from over or under watering.
If you’ve already tried growing a garden, but you haven’t seen those BUMPER crops yet… this guide will transform your growing.
(In some cases, it might transform your garden overnight!)
And if you’re new to gardening, her FREE guide will show you how to get big wins fast! All you have to do is download Stacey’s eGuide here: Double Your Vegetables in Half the Space.
It’s just one part of her information-packed, 8-Episode docuseries, The Joyful Garden Virtual Event. (And you’ll also get a free ticket to the event once you download your free eGuide. If you’re interested in growing more vegetables and herbs than you can shake a rake at, you might want to check it out…
Stacey will be releasing the 8 Episodes from October 11 – 18th. Again, you can get a free ticket to the showing just by downloading your free eGuide:
Click Here to Get the FREE Double Your Harvest Guide...
I think you’ll really love what Stacey has to show you. I always learn a LOT when I talk to her about gardening!
She’s one of the most talented growers I know.
I think you’ll really enjoy what she has to show you too.
Happy Gardening! :-)