As you may know if you've explored this site, we have a whole section devoted to the health problems caused by toxins in your home and environment - and what you can do to minimize their impact on your family's health. That's why I was so excited to learn that one of my favorite health experts is running a special summit later this month on this exact topic!
Robyn Openshaw and Ryan Sternagel have both experienced the dangers of a toxic home environment and what it can do to your health, and they are bringing together a wonderful group of health experts to share numerous tips, strategies, and step-by-step guidance on how to make your home clean, healthy, and safe for your and your family.
The online event is 100% free, and you can register to attend and learn all of this valuable information from the comfort of your own home. Register here now, or read more below to learn more about what will be covered during the free summit.
It’s time to take a serious look at the toxic influences inside your home. Making sure the water, air, textiles, paints, cleaning products, EMFs (and more) aren’t adding to your toxic load is one of the most responsible things you can do for yourself and your family.
When you attend this month's Toxic Home Transformation Summit, you will learn how to address possible toxic sources in your home in a comprehensive and simple manner, and turn your home into the safe haven that it should be.
During this 7-day event, you will learn from the experiences of the hosts, Robyn Openshaw and Ryan Sternagel, who both reinvented their lives to help save the health of their respective families...
Robyn’s one-year old son spent a year in and out of hospitals. Doctors prescribed five courses of liquid steroids to address his life-threatening asthma, and he was ultimately diagnosed with the vague term "failure to thrive." Robyn and her family knew something had to change, so they cleaned up their diet, home environment and toxic habits. Robyn lost 70 pounds and ditched 21 diagnoses and 5 prescription drugs, and her son grew up to be a 6’-3” MVP All-State baseball player!
Ryan received grim news for his son’s first birthday: stage IV cancer. His family was already living what they considered a “healthier than average” life: good food, active, happy. So, the news was devastating. Ultimately, they shifted every aspect of their lives, especially their home, and the Sternagels have recently built a new healthy and “green” home. Cleaning up their environment was a major influence in the recovery and remission of their son’s cancer. They’re here to teach you how to do it, too!
They’re here to help you by sharing their wisdom, and they are also bringing over 30 more health and detoxification experts on board for you to learn from.
Here are just a few of the topics you will learn about at the Toxic Home Transformation Summit:
- Do-it-yourself “green” & healthy cleaning methods
- Safe and healthy (and inexpensive!) building and decorating materials
- Vibrational and electromagnetic frequencies that harm (and heal)
- The real FACTS about detoxification
- Real-life “home detox” tips from families who’ve done it
- And so much more!
Register now to reserve your spot at this eye-opening and health-promoting educational event! You'll be amazed at how simple it is to make healthy changes to your home and keep your family safe from the toxins that most families are exposed to every day.
Click Here to Register for Free
Hope you can make it!