While things like eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep, and taking extra vitamins have been getting attention even in the mainstream media, one aspect that hasn't been getting as much press - but is at least as important to a healthy immune system, if not more - is gut health.
In fact, a large percentage of your immune system is actually in your gut. A healthy gut microbiome is actually in the front line of defenses against viruses and other pathogens. That's why I'm so excited that this year's Gut & Microbiome Rescue Summit is coming up in just a few weeks! If you're interested in improving your gut health and your overall health and longevity, you'll definitely want to check out this awesome online event.
However, you can get a head start on a healthy gut right now, by downloading this month's freebie: Shivan Sarna’s 26-page eGuide, Boosting Immunity Through Gut Health: Heal Your Gut, Boost Immunity, & Get Your Life Back.
Just click the link to go grab your copy now, or read more below...
That’s why, if you’re concerned about boosting your immune system and staying healthy, one of the first things you should do is take a close look at your gut.
If your gut is unhealthy, your immune system will be compromised. Period.
There has never been a more important time than now to make sure your gut is as healthy as it can possibly be.
Learn about some of the most common reasons for gut issues, and what you can do to start healing the gut and improve your immune system as a result!
Packed with information on SIBO, IBS and leaky gut, this 26-page eGuide includes:
- A symptom checklist
- Quick tips for symptomatic relief
- Top 10 foods to avoid
- And more!
And, when you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Gut and Microbiome Rescue Summit taking place on September 7-13, 2020 — with over 50 experts teaching you more about the latest technology and cutting-edge research in microbiome science. You won't want to miss it!
To your health - and a healthy immune system,