While building a strong immune system is no guarantee that you won't get the virus, it can certainly help your body to resist falling ill - and if you do get sick, a strong immune system can help you to experience milder symptoms and recover more quickly.
There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself as we have discussed previously, but one unique way that many people are improving their immunity is through an age-old practice that humans have used for thousands of years to achieve a number of health benefits - including a stronger immune system and reduced viral load...
One of the most important benefits of fasting is the process of autophagy - wherein your body cleans out unhealthy cells, pathogenic invaders, toxins, and more.
For a limited time, in preparation for the Fasting Transformation Summit taking place in May, Dr. Jockers and his team are offering a FREE E-Guide to this important healing mechanism.
Grab your free copy of Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing, and discover research-based strategies that can help you attain deep cellular healing.
Besides the current pandemic, our society is seeing an epidemic of chronic degenerative inflammatory diseases. Conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are all on the rise.
Our current medical system has no real answers when it comes to preventing these conditions and most people just assume they are a normal part of aging.
The truth is that our bodies were created with an innate ability to heal themselves! Every day, without you even realizing it, your body goes to work to help repair damaged cells and cellular components while getting rid of metabolic debris. Unfortunately, many of our lifestyle habits thwart this innate healing mechanism and overload our system with metabolic waste.
In this 59-page eGuide, you'll discover how to activate and optimize the mechanism of autophagy, which is essential for the self-healing and self-regulating processes of the body.
Reading through and applying this information will make a huge difference in your life and save you from the unnecessary suffering that is plaguing mankind!
As a special bonus, when you download this gift, you'll also save a seat for the free, online Fasting Transformation Summit taking place on May 11-17, 2020 -- over 30 experts empowering you to live with a stronger, more powerful edge in life.
--->>Click here to gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the 59-page "Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing" eGuide now
It has never been a more important time to learn how to take control of your health and build a strong, healthy immune system!
I hope that you will take advantage of this free gift while it's still available, and learn how to protect yourself and your family against the health threats facing us every day.
To your health,