We also had a great time chatting with our local chicken suppliers - there's something so wonderful about personally knowing the people who raise your food; it's kind of hard to describe until you experience it! We brought home some delicious pasture-raised chicken, and a large pork roast to share for our upcoming trip to Minnesota.
And, I got to spend at least a few minutes out in the hammock, so I guess this weekend was pretty much perfect, even though it was only 2 days long this time. :-)
Anyway, this month's freebie is a pretty cool one, although the event is partway over, so be sure you go check it out while it's still going on! (If you miss it, they will be replaying all the episodes over this coming weekend, so go get registered now.) It's all about scientifically proven health alternatives and healing breakthroughs that you won't hear about in the mainstream media...
We see commercials championing pharmaceuticals (with long lists of side effects at the end) and it seems that our health insurance companies only want to pay for drugs or surgery, as most "alternative" modalities aren't covered at all - and neither are most preventative treatments.
We willingly follow our doctor’s pronouncements – their diagnoses, prescriptions, prognoses, and projections of how many months or years we should expect to live… all under the assumption that their methods are proven by science and everything else is not.
Are they right? Or is it possible that there is just as much science to support natural and alternative approaches to healing disease?
The answer might shock you.
Thousands of studies are now showing that many “alternative” medicines and therapies (that your doctor doesn’t know about or isn’t allowed to recommend) are FAR superior for the majority of chronic health conditions we suffer from...
If you want to expand your horizons and discover fact-based solutions for what is ailing you (or a family member), there’s a new 9-part documentary series called Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science that is airing this week- and it’s an absolute must-see!
Each episode will provide you with highly effective (and safe) approaches to wellness that will change your life… and it’s FREE to watch!
Click HERE to watch the trailer...
There are so many complementary, alternative, and natural ways to protect - and to reclaim – strong, optimal health. Many of these healing resources are amazingly simple, and you can take advantage of them all by yourself.
Far more treatments and therapies exist in this world than you are being told about - and their power has been proven, scientifically.
Regardless of whether you are struggling with a chronic health condition, or want more vital energy, or you simply want to defy the effects of aging in the years to come... I highly recommend checking out this amazing free documentary series!
Click HERE to sign up for this limited-time screening...
I hope you can make it!
To your health,