In late winter sometimes it's easy to forget to be grateful, but I am reminded just how important it is to be grateful for all of the wonderful things we are given. I lately ran across an email about this really fun and amazing exercise called "100 Gratitudes," and thought I would share it with you today, as gratitude is one of the most powerful positive forces in the universe, and it's one that can literally change your state of mind for the better in an instant.
The goal of the "One Hundred Gratitudes" exercise (originally created by Robert Holden Ph.D) is to come up with a list of 100 things that you are grateful for. If this sounds like a lot, it actually can go pretty quickly once you get started, and can really bring a lot of peace and happiness to your life.
In fact, this exercise has a ton of amazing benefits for those wanting to live a life of balance! It can help you:
- Focus on abundance rather than lack
- Find your sense of purpose in life
- Remember the big picture and not "sweat the small stuff" as much
- Bring about psychological healing by helping you recognize the positive in past painful experiences
- And just plain make you feel great!
It also brings about a sense of the awesome connections we all share. Practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to gain a greater sense of spiritual connection with yourself, with others, and with life as a whole.
That's a whole lot of benefit from just one simple exercise, so let's get started!
Here are 4 tips for completing your own "100 Gratitudes" exercise:

2. Make It Yours. While it may seem like a difficult task to sit down and write 100 things you are grateful for all at once, if you break it up and write 10 or 15 things at a time, this can make it easier - but it's up to you. You may want to do this exercise on your own, or with a partner. Some people like to write chronologically, starting with the first thing they can remember to be grateful for from childhood, and others just write in no particular order. There is no one particular approach that is right - just do what feels good to you, and do it in a way that makes you feel happy and grateful. This should be a fun exercise, not a stressful one!
3. Consider the "Why." One thing that many people find helpful when doing this exercise is to include not just what you're grateful for, but also why. When you write each item, consider including why you are grateful for it - what difference this thing/relationship/person, etc. has made in your life. This can really make the exercise a lot deeper and more meaningful for you.
4. Reflect On Your Results. This should be an exercise of real growth for you (although you can also do it just for fun and to bring more happiness to your life). Instead of just making a list and tucking it away somewhere, when finished, stop to consider how you felt about the exercise. Ask yourself what value you gained from it. What did you learn about yourself from doing it? What did you learn about happiness? Having done this exercise, how will it affect your life from now on? What will you do differently in your life as a result?
If you feel you need more guidance when compiling your own gratitude list, a quick search on Amazon.com can yield some helpful resources, such as this 100-Days of Gratitude Journal (you probably won't need them, but some may find it helpful). Or feel free to email me with any questions!
Thank you for reading - I appreciate you! :-)