While it's not quite the time for New Year's Resolutions just yet, today I thought I would take just a few minutes to share what I am planning for New Holistic Living in 2017, and what these changes will mean for you...
Here are just a few of the things we have planned so far:
Yes, I know there are parts of the website that are out of date, and the store ("Resources") section has always been a bit clunky to use. The good news is, we are hard at work on a new, really cool web store system that will be super easy to use, and contain lots more helpful products and resources for living a healthier, happier, and more holistically balanced life. I don't have an estimated completion date for this yet, as some of it depends on updates to the software that are currently in progress, but definitely at some point in 2017 we will be launching the new store, so keep an eye out for this! We will also be gradually making some tweaks, updates, and additions to the rest of the site as well in the year ahead.
2. More Giveaways
Because who doesn't love free stuff??!? :-) We have posted a few giveaways this year, but plan to do them more regularly in 2017 (probably once a month), so keep an eye out for your chance to get free stuff! We will mostly share freebies like healthy food items, or downloadables such as free checklists or reports on healthy living topics, but we may also have a fun contest from time to time, so watch for those as well. And be sure to "Like" us on Facebook for notifications of our contests plus other fun stuff!
3. More Blogs!?
You may be aware of some of our other blogs on specific topics such as Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, or Holistic Health, but if not, you should definitely check them out! While this blog is my weekly update from a more personal standpoint, our other blogs contain tons of useful information on specific topics from around the web, curated for your education and reading pleasure. (Be sure to follow their respective Facebook pages, too.)
It may sound crazy, but yes, I will probably be adding yet another blog this year - maybe even 2...
We have a lot of people interested in yoga - and since I am a huge yoga fan too, I thought it would be fun to start a blog specifically dedicated to this unique form of exercise. Look out for that coming in January! It will feature helpful information for a successful yoga practice, as well as free weekly workouts and exercise tips and suggestions.
We may also add a separate homesteading blog topic, but haven't decided on that just yet... That would come later in the year.
4. Focused Blog Topic Themes
I've found that it is helpful to have some topics in mind ahead of time when writing, so we may move to more themed content this year - meaning, each month we would focus on specific themes or topics.
This is where I would love your input. Are there specific topics you would like to learn more about? Which aspects of holistic living do you struggle with the most? A specific health concern? Weight loss or fitness? Motivation? Or even time management?
Please comment below, or drop us an email, and let me know what YOU want to see more of in 2017!
Note that I will not be posting next week as I take the holidays to spend some time with my wonderful family, but will be back in the New Year with more info on healthy & holistic living.
Until then, I wish you a wonderful, happy, safe, and healthy holiday!!