While this tool was actually designed to be used by business owners, financial advisors, and the like, you can still get a lot of value from using this tool, even if you're an employee, like me. This unique, color-coded calendaring system can help you balance all aspects of your life, and achieve the work/life balance that you have been seeking - plus it's really fun!
I'll give you the link in a moment, as well as a few tips for how to use it, but first of all, I want to tell you a little bit about it. This color-coded calendar system was developed by Wayne Cotton, a former financial advisor who was running the rat race like everyone else, until his health forced him to slow down. When he did, he discovered that by putting proper planning in place, and systematizing his practice, he could take more time off, have more fun, and also make his business more successful! It may sound impossible, but that's just what happened. The first year that he took 180 days off, he doubled his previous highest revenue record! You can learn more about Wayne on his website. Just go to www.nobrowndays.com to download your planning calendars and read more about the system.

from NoBrownDays.com.
Now, some people may need to use this system a little bit differently. For example, if you're an employee, you may not have control over how many vacation days you have. You should still fill out your Model Year with your desired number of days off, however - remember, this is your ideal year! It doesn't mean it will happen right now, or next year, but 7 or 8 years down the road, who knows? At least it will give you a clear picture of what you want, and this makes it much more likely to happen. For those who plan on retiring and/or starting your own business, this can be a great motivator!
If you work 40 hours a week for someone else, you can still make use of the calendar in a different way, to help balance your personal life. In this case, you will want to make sure to balance the "5 F's" of a fulfilling personal life. (As you can see, these go right along with our holistic living philosophy!)
1. Faith
2. Fitness
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Fun
In this case, you may want to code your calendar a little bit differently. You may, for example, use blue for Faith (spiritual or religious practices), green for Fitness (exercise and other health related practices), red for Family, pink for Friends, and yellow for Fun.
As an interesting exercise, you may want to fill out a calendar coded by these colors based on what your life currently looks like - e.g. are you spending way too much time on fun, and none on fitness? Are you working when you should be home with your family? Do you neglect your friends? If you're a workaholic like me, this can be very eye-opening! Again, you may want to fill out a "Model" calendar of what you would like your life to be like in terms of these 5 items. Even if you don't devote a whole day to something (such as fitness), make sure you are incorporating all 5 of these into each week in some way.
As my husband often reminds me, there's more to life than work! One of my goals this year is to achieve better balance in my life - to balance the 5 F's, and also to use this kind of calendar to stay on track in planning my business and personal life. Staying in control of my schedule is what helps me be productive and successful, instead of stressed out and frazzled. I hope the tools at www.nobrowndays.com can help you as well.
Enjoy, and feel free to post a comment below or drop me an email to let me know how you have used these tools to better balance your life!