It may seem like a weird question, but surveys show that Americans wash their tresses an average of 4.59 times per week. Most hairstylists and dermatologists agree that this is way too much. Kind of like with clothing, washing your hair creates wear and tear that can damage your hair over time, leaving it limp, dry, oily, and unhealthy.
Most experts agree that for most people, you should wash your hair no more than 3 times per week. This gives your hair and scalp time to rebalance and recover from the stresses of washing.
However, this doesn't mean you have to walk around with dirty hair half the time! In fact, part of the problem is probably the commercial shampoo you are using. Most commercial shampoos contain harsh detergents that strip your hair of its natural oils and disrupt its pH balance. This leads to over-production of scalp oils, which, in turn, leaves your hair feeling greasy and limp in between washes.
It's a vicious cycle, and in order to break it, your hair may need to go through a little "detox" period after going off commercial shampoos. But if you can power through, and choose healthier shampoo alternatives for washing your hair, you will soon discover you have the naturally shiny, bouncy, and vibrant hair that those shampoo commercials have been promising all along!
You can also buy natural shampoos that don't contain harsh detergents - but beware: some of them claim to be "natural" and still contain some harsh chemicals. Get familiar with the ingredients and read labels before buying. As stated in this article, you will want to avoid sulfates and gycols in your shampoo: "Sodium lauryl sulfate and propylene glycol are two of the worst offenders. Sodium lauryl sulfate, also used in engine degreasers, is a suspected carcinogen; propylene glycol, a compound used in aircraft deicing fluid, may cause skin irritations such as hives and allergic reactions, even in low doses."
The Environmental Working Group has an awesome database that rates different shampoos and hair care products for safety. Look for low rating numbers for the best options to purchase.
You can also choose to use natural substances such as baking soda and apple cider vinegar to cleanse your hair. This is sometimes known as "no-poo" method. However, some users have reported negative effects from using baking soda on your hair (read this interesting article for one woman's story about this), so use caution when trying this method, and if it doesn't seem to be working for you, try a different option.
Here are a few other natural shampoo alternatives suggested by Mother Earth Living:
• Shampoo bars. Replace your liquid shampoo products with shampoo bars. These bars are generally more eco-friendly than their liquid counterparts—they use less packaging, last a lot longer than liquid shampoo and are typically sulfate-free.
• Aloe vera. Aloe is antibacterial, antiseptic, emollient and moisturizing. Studies have even shown it to enhance cellular regeneration. Use aloe gel to improve your hair’s health between washings by gently massaging it into wet hair and scalp and rinsing as you would shampoo.
• Soapwort. Soapwart contains saponins, which work as a gentle but effective cleaner. Finely chop 2 tablespoons fresh or 1 tablespoon dried soapwort root or leaves and stems, add 1 cup warm water and stir until suds form. After straining, massage 1⁄2 cup of the preparation into your scalp and rinse. Store the remaining mixture in the fridge for up to a week.
• Calendula. With stimulating, anti-inflammatory and demulcent properties, this healing plant is great for sensitive skin. Fill a glass jar with dried calendula flowers and cover with an unrefined oil such as avocado. Close the jar and store it for two to three weeks in a dark place, shaking it every day for the first week. Strain the oil into a clean glass jar and use as you would your regular shampoo.
• Essential oils. In addition to their pleasing aromas, many essential oils can benefit hair. Be sure to buy pure essential oils from a health-food store. For shiny, silky strands, rub 1 drop rosemary or lavender oil into a natural-bristle hairbrush and lightly brush your hair from the scalp to the ends. To fight or treat dandruff, mix 2 drops tea tree essential oil with 2 tablespoons baking soda and water; use as you would shampoo.
• Conditioning hair packs. Massaging conditioning hair packs into clean hair will allow the natural creams and oils to penetrate the skin and work their magic. Mash or stir equal amounts of the following products together and apply to damp hair. Wrap your hair with plastic wrap or use a plastic shower cap to hold in heat and open up the hair follicles for deep conditioning. Wait 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly with cool water.
- For dry hair: Coconut oil, banana, avocado, mayonnaise
- For normal hair: Mayonnaise, egg, olive oil, unflavored yogurt
- For oily hair: Add 1 to 2 teaspoons lemon juice to the mix for normal hair
You can also find many simpler recipes as well, usually containing some combination of apple cider vinegar and various herbs or oils. Pay attention to how your hair reacts for a few weeks after switching to a new shampoo recipe, and be careful of those containing baking soda or castile soap, which, although natural, may be too alkaline for use on hair.
Whether you choose to buy an all-natural gentle shampoo with healthy ingredients or make your own, getting off the commercial shampoo roller coaster can do wonders for your hair, and can even reduce your environmental impact, and lower your toxic load. For all these reasons, it's worth seeking out a good natural shampoo alternative that works for you and your hair!
To your (hair) health,