Whether you were feeling a bit skeptical, haven't had the time to look into it yet, or just want to learn more, I've got a great free resource for you this week!
As an introduction to the upcoming Tapping World Summit event, The Tapping Solution is sharing some wonderful FREE videos on how using EFT can help you release stress, anger, anxiety, and other negative emotions, and find a greater sense of peace and well being.
Check out the 3 meditations below to experience the awesome power of tapping for yourself!
Just click the link below and follow along as New York Times best-selling author and Tapping expert Jessica Ortner guides you through three calming and empowering processes:
Click Here to Access The 3 Tapping Meditations for Free...
The three meditations that you can access immediately are:
1 - Releasing Stress and Overwhelm
(Something that we can all use on a daily basis, right?)
2 - Moving from Anger to Peace
(Anger is an often misunderstood emotion that many people have a hard time dealing with...)
3 - Releasing Anxiety and Worry
(Anxiety is a much bigger challenge than many people realize!)
Access These 3 Awesome Tapping Meditations Here...
What's incredible about these Tapping Meditations is that not only do they help you to feel calm and balanced, but they also help you to release deep core issues that you may be dealing with. After tapping, many people experience relief from health and mental conditions that may have been plaguing them for years!
The free meditations above are being released in advance of an awesome upcoming event, the 9th Annual Tapping World Summit, which starts on February 27th. This free online event will take you through 10 days of informative presentations from the world's leading Tapping experts on a variety of topics.
Over 2 million people have attended this event over the past 8 years, and for good reason - the content is absolutely life-changing! You will be able to register for the Summit starting February 16, but until the event starts, make sure to go access the free meditations here: