With everything going on in the world today, it's tempting to stick your head in the sand and try to ignore the problems around us. Or, as so many of us do, to take the easy way out and blame the government, the right wing, the left wing, the immigrants, the "deplorables," the corporations, etc. for all the world's problems.
But like it or not, WE humans are all in this together, and we are ALL complicit in the issues we are facing today - from the effects of climate change (weather disasters, droughts, food shortages, pandemics), to our modern health crisis (over-consumption of industrialized foods leading to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.), to social unrest stemming from decades of ignoring the issues of oppression and lack of representation experienced by the working classes.
You and I, regardless of how "innocent" we may think we are of any wrongdoing, are part of the problem - and it is up to US (and by "us" I mean every living person on the planet today) to take steps to create a healthier and more sustainable future for the planet and all of humankind.
How do we get started? By arming ourselves with knowledge.
Knowledge truly is power (which is why the powerful have often sought to prevent others from gaining it - be it by burning books, preventing or discouraging literacy, or spreading "fake news"). The more you learn about how to take care of yourself, grow your own food, care for your own health, make your own "medicines," and the more you learn ways to make a positive difference in the world around you, the more power you have to make true, impactful, and lasting changes.
Even better, once you begin learning, you'll want to learn even more, and you'll begin to realize that just about EVERY choice you make - from the clothes you wear and what you wash them with, to what you have for breakfast, to the car you drive to work - can actually have an impact on the world around you. And you get to make the choice as to whether that impact is positive or negative. If that sounds overwhelming, change your perspective! Instead of overwhelming, look at it as liberating and empowering. YOU have the freedom to make choices that can make a real difference in the world!
Below are 6 ways to live more sustainably in today's world. Some of these are just simple, small daily habits that can make a big difference over time. Others are larger undertakings, but if you tackle them one step at a time, you'll soon be on your way to making a positive difference - both for yourself and your family, and for the planet at large.